Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Moving day is Tomorrow...

Well the day has come and
tomorrow we will loading up the U haul..
So I will be off line for a little while..
I have only seen pictures of the
rental house we will be living in
at Daytona Beach..
So not even real sure where we will
set up my computer.

My daughter came over today and
hooked me up with Skype   :)
So now, I will be able to go on
and see the grand babies every day
if I want too..

So please keep us in your prayers
for safe travel,
I am just a little bit sad for
not being in the same town as my
kids and grand kids.
but I am also excited for new adventure.

And if you know me at all..
you know that the next post I make
once I am settled in
will include lots of pictures
of my new home town..

God Bless You
and Keep you..
See ya in a week or so..


Saimi said...

Good luck with your move!!

Julie Harward said...

I hope everything will go super smooth for you and that you will love the new place..see you soon! ;D said...

Just sending you the biggest hug!!! Go girl and know you are covered in prayers of are going to make it!!!

Cindy said...

Karen hope you have a safe trip and all goes well. prayers to you and yours.

Cheilsea said...

Good luck Karen, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see all the pictures!

Cora said...

Praying safe travels and that everything goes smoothly for your move. Good luck...hope to see you again soon!!

Marsha Young said...

Praying for you as you go.

As a veteran of over 20 moves I am both sympathetic and excited for you.

I hope you find a special nook you like in the new house, or a view that inspires you, or a peaceful walk that refreshes you in your new home.

God bless you - Marsha

Sue said...

Oh! Karen, I am sorry that I missed you, I wish you the very best and many blessing in your new home, and the new chapter of your life, I am real excited for you, and please share lots of photos. Now girl if you had moved a little further up north I could have helped you.
I know it will be an adjustment, but thank the Lord for Skype.
Much love,


I've lived in my house over 37 years now. This is the house that my husband and I built together.

I am praying your move is for your good and God's glory! Moving is not an easy thing - but even as God called Abram out - to go - you too can seek God in this new adventure for this season of your life! He will never leave you - nor forsake you! Keep focused on the King of kings! He's got exciting things waiting for you in your new place! He is making all things NEW!

Choosing JOY in this season,

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Karen, I' ll be praying for safe moving!!! Oh, I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly. I've moved a lot and I know how stressful it can be. I'll also be praying that God brings some awesome Christian friends and neighbors your way in your new hometown :) :) Love, hugs and prayers from Oregon, Heather :) :)

Elaine said...

Hope the move went well. Skype is great!

Camille said...

Enjoy your new hometown! And...may the LORD bless you in it! :)

In Him,

Virginia said...

Happy Valentine's Day ~ Hope your day is Blessed with Happiness and much Love.

A multi-dimensional life said...

Praying for safe travel and many blessings in your new adventure.
May you enjoy the journey! Happy Valentine's Day! xo

Ellen said...

I'm so excited for you! I just know that Daddy has awesome and amazing things in store for you and all of your family with this move. So can not wait to discover them with you ;))

Take care and happy unpacking!


Unknown said...

Hi Karen... I can't imagine moving away from my kids but I do know that the Lord has an Amazing Plan for you and your Hubby. Have a safe trip and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I can't wait to see the pictures.

Anne @