Sunday, January 2, 2011

Devotions for Every Day of the Year..

My daughter gave me this book
for my daily devotions this year.
And I am just loving it......
so as you visit my post,
you will find me sharing the days
devotion in the Right sidebar.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I am
God Bless


Stacey Kay said...

Happy New Year, Karen! I love your new layout! Here's to a fabulous new year of God's abundant blessings!

Betsy Brock said...

Karen, I hope 2011 is a wonderful year for you and your family! I'm glad we 'met' last year and can share some blogging experience!

Happy New Year to you!

A multi-dimensional life said...

Hi Karen! I'm so glad to meet you and thankful that you came by to visit my blog. Thanks for your gracious comments! I'll look forward to visiting often!
I love the look of your pretty and your words speak wisdom!
I got goosebumps when I read your bio. Thanking God for His miraculous Love and restoration!
He is more than able especially when our hearts are willing!
Abundant blessings to you and your beautiful family!

Cheilsea said...

I read my Jesus calling every day!!! I love it so much and it always say exactly what I need to hear!

Saimi said...

Hi Karen!

Thanks for visiting my blog I love meeting new friends!!!

You wear your long hair well!! I go back and forth currently it's short. The post before the hair one shows me with my short hair..It's called: I made the good list.

I'm jealous that you have grandchildren. We have three sons, one has a serious girlfriend so there's hope for me!! :))

I love your story about you and your husband. My parents did the same thing. They were married for 20 some years, divorced for 20 some years and remarried. They are happy as ever and too dang cute!!

Hope you don't mind if I follow along!!!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Hi Karen! Thanks for following me! And i love your blog and just became your 101 follower :)
Happy New Year and I look forward to becoming blog buddies!
xo, misha

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Karen! Thank you for stopping by! I'm excited to see what God has planned for all of us bloggy friends this year! He is so good!
Be blessed!

Kathy Schwanke said...

I just ordered that this morning after seeing so many quotes from it!

Donnetta said...

I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds wonderful!

Unknown said...

Hi Karen... it feels like it's been quite awhile though it has only been just about two weeks since I have been online.

I love the look of your new blog. You did a great job with it.

You stopped by my blog the other day asking about my Mom. She is doing well. At first we thought the cancer had not spread but just before Christmas we found out it had so now we will be moving forward with more tests and doctors. We are keeping our eyes on what the Lord. Thanks for asking.

Hope you had a blessed Christmas and New Year... It feels good to be back on. I sure have missed being online. See you around.

God Bess....

Anne @

Jill said...

Love your new design again! Looks great! I hope you have a wonderful 2011!!
Many Blessings to you and your family,

BECKY said...

Hi Karen! Thanks so much for popping by and introducing yourself!! You didn't mention that you are also a friendly Floridian!! So nice to meet you! I guess you are somewhere around a 2 hour drive from me! If I ever manage to have a central FL bloggers get together, I will certainly include YOU!! It would probably be held somewhere in Orlando. Maybe in the spring!

Happy new year to you, too! Your devotional book sounds great, and I love "your" story! God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all we could ask or even think, huh? Praise His Holy Name!!!

Blessings and hugs to you new friend!

Sue said...

Hi Karen, this looks like a great devotional, I just read todays devotion on your side bar, and I know why you are enjoying it. I will look this one up when I go to the Christian bookstore. Thanks for sharing.
Praying God's richest blessings on you and your family this new year.

Camille said...

Don't you just *love* a good devotional?? I have a couple of favourites and they never grow old...isn't amazing how that is?? :)

Many blessings to you!