Monday, March 7, 2011

His Light in this World Award

I would like to say a big
Thank You to my friend Ellen from
for honoring my with this award..

 It's an award for bloggers who are not ashamed to post about praying, faith and are the first ones to leave kind words and prayers for those in need. About shining your light without boasting, for being a prayer buddy without asking, for going the extra mile to hug someone with your words, those who inspire faith, hope and love in their posts.

There are no rules to this award
but like Ellen I would like to
pass it along to 3 or 4 other
Blogging Buddies

It was a hard decision,, and
this is in NO paticular order..
 Goes right back to my friend Ellen at
She has been such a wonderful friend
and I so have enjoyed her faith, and
her sweet sweet spirit..
And her decorations style is
Goes to my friend Cherie at
Journal of Faith..
She is a writer,, and is
like a spong.. just soaking in
every moment of God in her
reading and writing..
She is just so encouraging and
her love for the lord just shines..
And is just simply Precious...
And I cant forget my friend Chanin from
she and I connected in a very personal
way,,and have been through some tough
stuff in life,, but yet still feel so Blessed..
She is a wonderful mom, wife and
loves the lord with all her heart and
trust him, unconditionally..
My friend Sue... from
I could just grab a glass of Sweet Tea
and sit on her front porch and look
out over her beautiful land,
and talk about the Lord, cooking
decorating..and the list just goes
on and on.. She is  a wonderful
daughter of God,,and she is very
proud of her heavenly father..

I could go on and on, and award this
honor to so many of the woman I have
met in this Blogging world..
but this is a start..

But I would like to say,,
Thank You to all of my
Blogging Buddies
that I have grown to love and
I look forward every time I post
something,, to see which one of
my friends will stop by to visit today..
Thank you and I love you all..
God Bless..


Cherie Hill said...

Sister, you are such an awesome blessing! It's so funny . . . I woke up praying this morning and for some reason you were on my mind . . . was thinking I needed to stop by and check and see how you're doing . . . yesteday before I went to church, I prayed for you . . . asking God to help you find your church "home." I am SO thankful the Lord brought our lives together! You make my heart smile!
BIG HUGS! Lots of love,

Ellen said...

Girl, you just make me smile with joy as I know you make Daddy smile too! Thank you for your kindness and your words of encouragement. No wonder I thought of you to pass it over to. Your heart is so generous and wonderful. Thanks for being you! I love you Girl & Daddy does too!


Sue said...

Oh Karen congratulations on your award, You certainly deserve it, as I have always been so blessed by you sharing your faith. Thank you so much for thinking of me and for sharing it with me. It is beautiful.

My Mad World said...

What a great award! One you really do deserve!

Julie Harward said...

That is wonderful Karen...I believe that we must stand as witness of God at all times and in all places..even FB and blogging! (Loved my hug at the end too..cute!) ;D

Unknown said...

It was nice to catch up on some reading and see how you have been. I am so glad you found a Home Church this past weekend. I would feel lost without one. Loved the pictures of you, your hubby and son in FL.... I pray that this new venture the Lord has you on will be one that you see Him in every aspect... God Bless

Anne @

-:-Chanin-:- said...

Thank yopu sooo much! I am so blessed to have met you :)

Much love, Chanin