My family and I watched Passion of the Christ the other night..
As I was watching the movie I could relate to both Mary's..
Mother , Mary,, because she loved her son so much, and even
though she knew he had to go through this, she so much wanted
to run to him and spare him from the pain..
As a mother,, she of all woman had the toughest job as a mom than
any one could ever go through..
But I have to say ,, I mostly related to Mary Magdaline..
She is a woman who was forgiven much..
She had believed the lie Satan told her,
and she allowed what other people said about her
keep her in bondage,
but when she was truly forgiven by Jesus
she knew what real love was.
She got up and walked away from sin...
And never looked back..
We all have sinned, no matter what the sin is,
it doesnt have to be adultry,
it can be anything,,sin is sin to God
But the world and Satan will try
to keep us in bondage by piling on the
shame and guilt..
And Satan uses the people of the world
to constantly remind us of our sins,
in order to keep us in bondage..
For years I lived in that bondage,,
Feeling... Who am I to speak of God
I have not always lived a Godly life..
Who would listen,
everyone will mock and turn their nose up to me..
that I had been truly forgiven,
the words of the world meant much less to me..
It was the peace that God gave me to
over come that bondage.
And I am Free in Christ.
Satan has been putting woman in bondage
since the beginning of time.
Starting with Eve and putting
that doubt in her mind.
And then when she and Adam sinned
Satan was the first to remind them
and gave them guilt and shame..
So they hid from God..
As most of us do when we feel unworthy..
But I am here to say that
I am Proud to be a Mary Magdaline..
she was forgiven of many sins
and she felt the True love of Christ
and she followed him to the end..
As will I......
Therefore I tell you, her sins, many [as they are],
are forgiven her--
because she has loved much.
But he who is forgiven little loves little.
And He said to her,
Your sins are forgiven!
Luke 7:47
I have never seen that movie, but need to, want to. Thank you, my blog friend, for posting these daily devotionals~they keep me grounded and my mind's perspective :)
Excellent post. We watched the movie when it first came out, and were also deeply moved.
You are so right, that Satan is in the "bondage business" - but thankfully God is in the forgiveness and freedom business. Have a Happy Easter! Marsha
If you are forigiven my our heavenly Father and YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE, No worries about the others. Satan just wants you pick on you. Claim it sister. I love you and we have all been there. Never feel like you are alone.
We plan to watch this movie over the weekend karen.
This is such a beautiful and heartfelt post. I have been so touched by your testimony, and your thoughts.
Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and happy Easter Sunday.
Amen! I can relate to her as well.
I haven't been able to truly watch this movie again since I saw it in the theater. I felt like was watching my Lord actually go through that.
I have the movie and I do want to watch it again. Maybe this will be the year.
God bless you on this Resurrection weekend!
Hi sweet friend! Ahh....I have missed you. I made a glass of sweet tea in my mason jar glass the other day....and thought of you. My sweet sister, I have never met, yet pulls at my heart strings! I drop by often....but don't comment as I should...I am sorry
Oh, Mary Magdalene...and the Woman at the Well....and Eve...I am so thankful God placed these women in the example that his love flows to and through them...they are me, and I am them.....the epitome of being a loving/nurturing, but like Adam, our own ways, yet sanctified and justified through his love.....that event...2,000 yrs ago today...he's traveling as I write this...up the hill, the cross on his back,the blood pouring from his began last night, as his blood mingled with his sweat...and in a few hours, the earth will tear apart, the curtain...torn, his body....his spirit....given when he allows it....and all for us, my friend....for us....ah....BIG HUGS and a Glorious Easter weekend to you!!!
Sister, praying your weekend is filled with the presence of our risen Christ! I am so thankful that one day we will be able to sip sweet tea together anytime we want for ETERNITY!
Love and hugs,
This is beautiful, Karen. I too, feel like Mary, for other reasons... we're all like her, as you said. Praise God for His awesome forgiveness and restoration to families!
We're watching The Passion Of The Christ today. We need to remember too.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
Love, Heather
Beautiful and true thoughts Karen, loved it. We all sin everyday and we need Jesus Christ everyday...I am so glad He is there. Have a good Easter. :D
Beautiful post, sweet friend!
You are precious in His sight!
I know He is smiling upon you now as you share such powerful words with your readers! He has taken it all upon Him so that we could live...and I am so grateful! Wishing you and your family a joyous day of remembrance of His great love for us! He is Risen indeed! xo
The Passion of the Christ is a powerful movie which can be emotionally painful at times to watch. However, when we truly realize what Christ went through for us, we begin to understand how deep His love is for us. I am absolutely amazed..."But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8). Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier and reading the post from my guest writer. After reading a bit of your moving testimony in your profile, you might want to check out "A Life Saved" on my blog (on the top tabs). Our God IS in the business of miracles! I am so grateful!
Have a blessed Easter!
Living for Him, Joan
Dear Karen ~ Oh how much we have been forgiven!! How WONDERFUL our Precious Saviour is!
May the LORD bless you all this weekend as you celebrate HIS death and Resurrection together.
Many blessings,
Have a very happy Easter, this Divine holyday, the miracle of miracles!
People do make mistakes and I think they should be punished. But they should be forgiven and given the opportunity for a second chance. We are human beings. See the link below for more info.
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