Monday, April 11, 2011

Good Morning

Good Morning Ladies..
As I took my son to school this morning
these pictures are the view we saw..
The sun was coming up,
Good Morning Lord..

My camera didnt quite capture
the steam that comes off the water
of the ponds we pass on the way to his school..

But it is a wonderful view
and what a great reminder that
Gods Mercy is New every morning..

God has been so good to us..
and there are so many positives to this move..
My husband is doing just wonderful in his job.
Tyler is doing great at his new school,
and even has a sweet little girlfriend..
We have met some wonderful people
in the church we have started going to.

But I am still feeling detached..
Like this picture, I am the twig on this branch,
and God is big and beautiful and very present
but I feel so far away..
I dont do well with the Not Knowing..
I dont know what God  purpose is here for Me,,
Im not working, but will need to get a job in the next
month or so.
I dont know what to look for.
Im a little fearful, of the future..
My youngest son just turned 15
and so much of my life is entwinded
with him.  What do I do when the
Empty Nest hits me,,
Im not nor have I ever wanted to be
a carrier woman..
I love people, and I love
encouraging woman to be good
moms and wives,,
but that doesnt pay the bills..
So I ask for your prayers,,
I ask that God will show me his will for me.
and comfort my heart and mind
till he is ready to place
me where he wants me to do his work..


Elaine said...

Pretty pictures!!!
God has a plan and purpose for our lives. I prayed just now that he will reveal what and where He wants you.

Marsha Young said...

So glad to read that so many aspects of your move are working out well.

A new job can be a scary propsect, but God will not let you down, and will lead you to the very place you should work.
Blessings to you - Marsha
(Georgeous pictures. :)

Saimi said...

Such beautiful pictures, so serene!

~Niki~ said...

beautiful photos!
Life is just hard~HE will listen.

Julie Harward said...

I know that he will help you to know what you should be doing, you are a good woman and I just know he has something for you to do. I am glad that you are all fitting in there. :D said...

Beautiful pictures and wonderful reminder. His ways are truly higher than ours and He will guide you on this next leg of your journey as He has guided you to this place.
Blessings and prayers.

Cora said...

Just have faith and keep praying. He will show you what to do and you will fulfill it well. Your pix are beautiful and I know how you feel with the detachment... I myself sometimes wondered where I'm headed. But with faith, trust and prayer we will be OK!
Have a great week :)

Sue said...

Loved all the photos, Karen, absolutely beautiful and what a way to greet the Lord today.
I was so blessed by how you were being so thankful for all of the blessing God has given you since you moved.
If there is one thing I have learned, and sometimes I had to learn it the hard way is... God's timing is perfect, He has gone before you and is paving the way for your job, I will be praying that you will find peace, and comfort while He finishes His work,. With a thankful heart like yours there is no way you will miss it.

Dianna said...

Hi, visiting from Pear Tree Lane.

Love what I've read of your blog - so far - and looking forward to reading more!

As the other commenters have said, God has it all planned out - you needn't worry!

Cindy said...

Karen I understand your feeling of detachment, and I will say a prayer. I do agree that God has it all planned. hugs to you.

Jill said...

BeAUTIFUL PICTURES...Thanks for sharing. :-)

A multi-dimensional life said...

Oh, Karen I will pray for you!
Your heart is good and God is smiling upon you as you crave His leading. Part His purpose is in the way you minister to your readers. I love your transparency. I do understand that feeling you have, and I also know that God will honor your requests because they come from a pure heart!
I'm so glad to have met you!
((Big Hug to you now)) xo