My name is Pride..
I am a Cheater..
I cheat you of your God~given destiny
because you demand your own way..
I cheat you of contentment...
because you "deserve better than this"
I cheat you out of knowledge....
because you already know it all
I cheat you of holiness...
because you refuse to admit when you're wrong.
I cheat you of vision...
because you'd rather look in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship...
because nobody's going to know the real you.
I cheat you of Love...
because real romance demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in heaven...
because you refuse to wash anothers feet on earth.
I cheat you of Gods glory...
because I convince you to see your own.
My name is Pride.
I am a cheater.
You like me because you think Im always looking out for you.
Im looking to make a fool of you.
God has so much for you, I admit,
but dont worry
If you stick with me,,
You'll Never Know.. |
This was a poem in a Beth Moore book I am reading..
One of those that make ya go "Hummm"?
Boy, that is a good one! And the author of pride is who? Yes we know that..guess we better be on guard. :D
Good one. Thanks for sharing!!
This is really good! And it does make you go hmmm! Wonderful message and it speaks the truth. Pride...deception from the father of lies!
Beth Moore...doesn't she just say it like it is...I so loved her book "So Long Insecurity".
Thanks for sharing...so true.
I am going '"OUCH" Karen. What an awesome word, and oh how true. This must be an awesome book. I do enjoy listening to Beth, on Life for Today! Thank you for this!!!
Thank you too for your prayers for Will and our family, It means so much to us and I know when I tell Will he will be so comforted to know that so many are praying for him
Lots of food for thought....good stuff. Thanks for sharing, Beth is great!!
Definitely a hmmmm. Pride comes before a fall--I'm humbled to say that I know that first hand.
I found my way over here from Sue's blog. It's nice to meet you, and I hope you'll drop my blog when you have an opportunity.
Greetings from me
Pride...yep, she finds me everytime! How are you? Adjusting ok? I'm sorry I don't stop by as often as I did...I see you spruced the place up again. It is beautiful. Love your post from Friday!! Hugs, sweet friend!
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